Our mission is to support public awareness of national security, economic security, and moral leadership


Since 1958, the American Security Council Foundation's (ASCF) mission has been to protect American freedoms and values by promoting public awareness of national security, economic security, and moral leadership through a policy of "Peace through Strength."

Educating our children on America's Founders and Founding documents is a matter of national security. Our American History Live program is a unique, interactive, real-time program for our future generation (K-12). It promotes civic participation and an appreciation of our nation's founding.

ASCF is an educational non-partisan, non-profit, 501 (c)(3) organization. We rely on fundraisers, sponsorships, grants, and donations to keep our programs running.

Decoupling From China_Flyer




October 7 Evil

"Evil is Hamas, whose Islamic ideology calls for the genocide of Jews and the elimination of Israel. Hamas was founded in 1987 as an offshoot of the Sunni Muslim Brotherhood and is committed to destroying Israel."

July 18th, 2024
By ASCF Sr. Analyst, Laurence Sanford

en.wikipedia.org (2)

A Foreign Policy Adrift

"The Biden administration's overall foreign policy—a foreign policy of half-steps and half-measures that is now adrift."

June 2024 - by ASCF Sr. Fellow Alan Dowd



"Democracy is based on the state serving the citizens; totalitarianism is based on the citizens serving the state...The United States and Western civilization need winning strategies and actions to counter the totalitarian assault on our freedoms and independence."

July 17th, 2024
By ASCF Sr. Analyst, Laurence Sanford


PTS host Joy Votrobek discusses the pro-Palestinian movement with ASCF senior analyst Laurence Sanford. They discuss who is funding these protests, which include U.S. taxpayer dollars from the EPA. The Climate Justice Alliance (CJA) received a $50 million grant from the EPA. The CJA supports the Free Palestine movement.

PTS podcast host Joy Votrobek speaks to ASCF Sr. Analyst Laurence Sanford about Iran and its proxies' disdain for Western civilization. While Israel may enter trade agreements with Arab countries, they know Islam is no friend. Iran has openly called for the destruction of Israel, and Hamas has indoctrinated Gazans. They discuss Iran's nuclear capability and whether they would actually use it on Israel. Finally, they discuss using grayzone warfare and exploiting Iran's internal unrest.

PTS host Joy Votrobek speaks to ASCF Sr. Fellow Alan Dowd about "Threats Abroad, Worries at Home." They highlight the aggressive actions of autocratic regimes such as Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran, which pose threats to democratic nations. Furthermore, they address the worrisome decline in free governments worldwide and the internal challenges within the U.S., including apathy towards freedom and the rise of illiberal forces.

All of our podcasts can be viewed on YouTube or Rumble, our Facebook, or your smartphone. Please support our efforts by subscribing to our channels and commenting.


American History Live (AHL) is a unique program whose mission is to educate, entertain, and help students retain American history and civics. AHL accomplishes this by engaging students in conversations with real-time, interactive historical characters. Characters include Ben Franklin, Abigail Adams, Prince Hall, Alexander Hamilton, and Betsy Ross.

Learn more at www.americanhistorylive.org

Assignment Blue is a supplemental tool to assist educators in teaching children about the role of police and resource officers in our communities. Interactive Police dog characters Officer Frederick and Officer Alice zoom into classrooms in real-time. Other lesson plans include good citizenship and volunteerism, as well as reinforcing active assailant drills.
Learn more at Assignment Blue.
To schedule a demonstration contact us or call 772-388-2490
